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Monday, August 27, 2012

Info Post
<b> - <a href=''>16 &amp; Pregnant Star Regain Custody of Daughter</a></b><p>&#39;16 & Pregnant&#39; stars Ebony and Joshua Rendon were finally granted full custody of their three-year-old daughter again</p><B>Home &gt; Reproductive Law &gt; How Todd Akin's Statements About Rape and ...</b><p>Home &gt; Reproductive Law &gt; How Todd Akin&#39;s Statements About Rape and ...Last week, Missouri Republican Congressman and Senate candidate Todd Akin sparked bipartisan outrage when he opined that women only rarely become pregnant as the result of rape because, "if it&#39;s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to ...Akin&#39;s idiocy is infectiousBaltimore SunMaking sure abortion remains safe and legalIowa City Press CitizenAbortion Opponent Claims You Can&#39;t Get pregnant If You&#39;re &quot;Legitimately Raped&quot;Voxy (blog)Reuters&nbsp

;-Daily Mail&nbsp;-Austin Chronicle (blog)all 1,299 news articles&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>Getting pregnant easily may lead to recurrent miscarriage</b><p>For many couples suffering with infertility their only wish is to be super-fertile. However, according to a new study, as reported by the BBC News on August 24, 2012, women who get pregnant easily are more likely to suffer multiple losses. The UK-Dutch ...</p>


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