Breaking News
Friday, September 14, 2012

Info Post
Most people who fall into haram (unlawful) love usually don't understand Islam properly. They might start off with desire, and gradually be played into falling in love with the person. However, one has to realize that no love is real; no love is really lasting - unless it is done for the sake of Allah. This is why love which is done while disobeying Allah is usually broken, ends up in hurt, and both people you usually end up as enemies, or go down other evil paths after this, unless Allah saves them and blesses them in hidaayah (guidance.)

Trust me this is so true. I have seen many who have followed this path and allowed haram love into their life but then have gained no peace. If you really love someone, but you’re in a haram relationship, then have mercy on them. Do them a favor and make it easy for them to walk away from you.

If you really love someone, don’t give them yourself – give them Jannah! If they comeback to you in a halal way, then make yourself a promise that the love that bonds you is fulfilled through your strive to get to jannah together.

Love each other – and love each other for the sake of Allah (swt)

Find the person whose hand you can hold today, and whose hand you can hold as you walk through the gates of jannah. That person will be the greatest gift to you, because they will lead you to a perfect end insha Allah! :)

Proud muslimah


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