And 'Ze Mobile' continues with more adventures in Instagram!
1. Me shying off the cam whilst out and about late night with the one and only, Eddie B (who's having a really awesome art show this Saturday - come come! Deets here.)
2. Big Bear view.
3. Vietnamese coffee. Mmmmmz.
4. Lotsa dollar dollar billls yall at a townie bar in Big Bear.
5. Dolphins under our feet off the coast.
6. A really crummy but so necessary shot at the Woody Allen New Orleans Jazz Band concert.
7. Carrots at the Santa Monica Farmers Market (perfect for making these).
8. My other favorite carrot top.
9. Eddie B in the flesh!
10. New year's resolutions in full effect.
For more bop on over to Instagram (@gerihirsch) and followfollllow.
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