Breaking News
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Info Post
<b> - <a href=''>Roosevelt reaches critical mass regarding overgrown grass</a></b><p>BY JANE MEGGITT Correspondent ROOSEVELT — Because there is no grass height limit specified in the borough's property maintenance code, no action can be taken by the zoning officer against overgrown properties. read more</p><B>Justin Bieber&#39;s mum attempted suicide at height of drink and drugs hell</b><p>Justin Bieber&#39;s mother Pattie Mallette attempted suicide just months before she fell pregnant with the future pop superstar after struggling to cope with sexual abuse issues, which drover her to drugs and alcohol.</p><B>Skinny evergreens for a sunny entry</b><p>From what I read, they can ultimately grow to be 8 feet tall, which is about 3 feet taller than I would like. Are these prunable? Any other suggestions? The entryway has a western exposure, and I have only about 3 feet worth of width to play with on ...</p>


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