Breaking News
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Info Post
<b> - <a href=''>New iPhone with taller screen unveiled</a></b><p>SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - For the first time, the iPhone is growing even as it slims down. After sticking for five years to the same screen size, Apple on Wednesday revealed a new phone that&#39;s taller, with a bigger display. The iPhone 5 will go on sale in ...New iPhone with taller screen out next weekcbs4qc.comApple OFFICIAL iPhone 5 Deets Are Here!!!PerezHilton.comTECHNOLOGY: Apple unveils iPhone 5Delmarva Daily TimesX-bit Labsall 7,241 news articles&nbsp;&raquo;</p><B>Bill scrapping height condition passed on second reading</b><p>The House of Representatives has approved on second reading the proposed bill of Cebu third district Rep. Pablo John Garcia removing the mandated height requirement for applicants of the police, fire and jail officers.</p><B>A rose grows 9 feet tall</b><p>A velvet red Voluptuous hybrid tea rose bush is the couple&#39;s most prized plant, advertised to grow to five feet. Patte nurtured the bush for many years, but it wasn&#39;t until recently that one branch began to grow taller and taller, now about nine feet ...</p>


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